Teams Presence Connector

Totalview Teams Presence uses either a webhook or polling to get and show the Teams presence in Totalview.

Totalview Teams Presence is based on the Microsoft Graph beta API and functionality might be changed in the future.

This functionality requires that a presence application is created in Azure and that the TotalviewTeamsPresence connector has granted delegated permission and must be authenticated using a user existing in the Azure tenant.
Teams presence currently does not yet support application permissions and it is only possible to get users in same tenant.

Register an Azure Application

Go to to create a new Azure application.


Register the New Application

1) Enter a Name for the application.
2) Create Redirect URI for Public client/native with URL http://localhost

Select Register to register the application.

Note the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID after the registration.
This information is required when registering the TotalviewTeamsPressence in TotalviewAdmin.

Depending on Azure Tenant setup the application might not by default be able to request user information via GraphAPI without administrator consent being granted under API permissions:


If 2) is “No”, then no further action is required.

If 2) is “Yes”, press 3).

If logged in user does not see the “Grant admin consent for… ” button, contact Azure Tenant Administrator, who should be able to issue the grant.

Register a Totalview Teams Presence Connector in TotalviewAdmin

Start TotalviewAdmin, go to Connectors and create a new TeamsPresence connector under System extensions.

Add the Tenant (directory) Id and Client (application) Id created when registering the Azure application.


Configure Polling

Select Use polling to get user presence changes by polling.
Change Polling Interval if required. Default is polling every 10 sec.

Configure Webhook

Select Use webhook to get user presence change notifications from a Microsoft Graph Presence subscription.

For Teams Presence webhook Beta, there can be at most registered 1 subscription of up to 650 users per app

Notification Url is an HTTPS URL address to which Microsoft Graph will send notifications about user changes.

Listening Url is the address to which you listen for notifications. This can be set to listen to a specific port, default is 50000.

Note that both addresses should end with a forward slash (/).


Authenticate the Totalview Teams Presence Connection Using Delegation

Prerequisite: Teams Presence connector should be created and configured, but not running.

Get Totalview3TeamsPresenceFirstLogin.exe file from Totalview Administrator and start it from server or workstation computer.

In a Totalview installation the Totalview3TeamsPresenceFirstLogin.exe is located in <InstallDir>\InstallFiles\TeamsPresence

Answer the prompts and login to Microsoft when prompted.

Log in with an existing user on the tenant and accept the requested permissions. Any user can be used, but if the user changes password the user must login again. Therefore using a user, that has a password that does not expire is recommended.

After successful login, the following should be logged:


Now authentication is completed and you can start the connector and it should be able to fetch Teams presence status for employees.

Check the connector log and verify that the connection is ok and that Teams presence is pulled.

Logout/Login With Another User

Rerun the Totalview3TeamsPresenceFirstLogin.exe from Authenticate the Totalview Teams Presence Connection Using Delegation