

Please note that Totalview Wallboard is only available for customers using 3CX, Broadworks, One-Connect, IPOffice, or Konnekta. Unify is not supported.


The Totalview Wallboard allows the viewer to see real-time statistics about a call groups and members.


In order to run Wallboard the following Totalview licenses are required:

  • Wallboard Access: 1

  • Wallboard Client: 1 per physical device

  • An API key must be generated in Totalview Admin and add to wallboard config file. See configuration section below.

Home View


The home view gives an overview of the available call groups and call group groups, with call groups in the top section and call group groups in the bottom.

Clicking one of the “launch” buttons will navigate the user to their chosen view.

There are 3 different views available for display:

Single Call Group

With Members:


Single Call Group with Members View shows information about all the members in a call group as well as some statistics about the call group itself.

In the left section, each member at the call group is listed. Displayed are both the Totalview status and the call group status of the member.

Along with the member’s statuses, there are statistics about their performance.

In the right section are the combined statistics of all the members in the call group.

Without Members:


Single Call Group without Members View focuses on the call group itself, and does not display the statistics of specific members.

Rather, it shows the combined performance of all of the members at the call group.

Call Group Groups


Call Group Groups view displays a list of related call groups which have been grouped together. In the top section of the view, each call group’s statistics are displayed individually. The lower section displays the combined statistics of all call groups in the group.


Changing the Color Scheme

Customizing Colors

Filtering & Sorting

Sorting Members

It is possible to sort:

  • Members in a Call Group by their name or device id when using Single Call Group view.

  • Call Groups in a Call Group Group by their name or device id when using Call Groups view.

To sort, open the Single Call Group or Call Groups wallboard and click the URL bar. Add a query to the end of the url by adding ?sort=

Then, choose whether you want to sort by name or id, followed by ascending (asc) or descending(desc) order. Add both, with no spaces, to the end of the URL.

For example, sorting by id in ascending order would look like this: ?sort=idasc

Sorting by name in descending order would look like this: ?sort=namedesc

Filtering Offline Members

If you wish to hide offline Members from view in a Call Group, you may do so when using Single Call Group view.

To filter, open the Single Call Group wallboard and click the URL bar.

Add a query to the end of the url by adding ?offline=

Then, add true if you’d like to see offline members and false if you’d like to hide them. True is the default setting.

You can combine filters by writing them in succession, divided by an ampersand & symbol. ie: ?sort=idasc&offline=false

Creating a Call Group Group

Call group groups are configured in Totalview Admin.


An API key is needed for communication with the Totalview Server. The API key can be set in the appsettings.json under CallCenterStatisticsWcf:ApiKey.

You can find the API key in the TotalviewAdmin.


The Wallboard has two kinds of authentication methods. One that uses OAuth, and one that uses an access key.

In order to turn on OAuth authentication, which is recommended if possible, set the flag OAuthAuthentication:UseOAuth to true in appsettings.json . This will take precedence over the option to use Authentication:UseAccessKey.

If OAuth is not available, you can instead set Authentication:UseAccessKey to true. This will turn on an authentication, where you will need to log in using a Totalview user and PIN code.

If you need to change the value of OAuthAuthentication:UseOAuth, a restart of the Wallboard will be needed for changes to take affect. This is however not the case for changing Authentication:UseAccessKey.

If both OAuthAuthentication:UseOAuth and Authentication:UseAccessKey are set to false, the Wallboard will no longer require a login to access.

Any change to the Authentication:AccessKey in the appsettings.json, when using access key authentication, will require everyone to log in again.