Attachment Connector¶

The Attachment connector provides the attachment structure and data to the Totalview server to present to the user. The structure and data can be customized (see document Totalview Attachments).

Create the connector using Totalview3.Admin.Connectors. Select Category: System extensions and Subtype: Attachments.

The User filtering defines what users are allowed to use the connector. Only users that apply to the filter setting are allowed to use the connector. If no filter is set, then no user will use the connector.


Install the connector using Overview.Install/Update. This will create a new folder and copy the connectors’ program files and XML settings files to the folder.

The XML settings files define the attachment structure and data for the connector. A demo definition and demo data xml file is created when first installing an attachment connector.

Modify these files to customize the attachment definition and data (see document Totalview Attachments).