
The Phonebook from Totalview Admin has been implemented in Web Admin

The numbers and names that are shown in the telephony control in the Totalview3Clients, come from the phonebook registered in the Totalview3Admin and now also Web Admin.

The Overview



When clicking the Add button, a popup will appear, where you are asked to specify a Name, Number, and Address


Once finished filling in the required data, press the Update button, the new entry should now be in the list. You can use the searching functionality to verify



When clicking the Edit button, a modal will appear, where you can edit the pre existing data for the entry.


When you are done editing, press the Update button.



When clicking the Delete button, a modal will appear, where you are asked if you are sure, that you want to delete the phonebook entry.


You can either click on Ok, or Cancel.



Note: Supported file types are: csv, txt, xml, and json

The Import functionality has had a major overhaul, and has now the ability to handle xml, and json files alongside csv.


Default Import Parameters:

  1. File to import

    1. Supported formats are .csv, .txt, .json, .xml. Click here to see formatting rules

  2. Country Code

    1. The country code to prepend to all numbers (Can be empty)

  3. Insert Mode

    1. Overwrite: Will overwrite entries with the same number.

    2. Append: Will always append (i.e., will create duplicates)

  4. Delete from phone book

    1. Nothing: Will not delete anything

    2. Standard Entries: Will delete entries created by the system (e.g., with import)

    3. UserLevel Entries: Will delete user-created entries only

    4. Everything: Will delete everything

JSON file being imported


XML file being imported


Importing CSV files

When importing from CSV files, you have two extra parameters to specify:

  1. Header

    1. Does the first line of the file show the name of the columns (i.e., headers)

  2. Delimiter

    1. The delimiter is what separates the values in the file (default is ,)


Once all parameters are set, you can press the import button, and the phonebook should start importing.


Import failure

If something went wrong while importing the phonebook, a popup will appear indicating the error.

An example error:

If a phonebook were to be imported e.g.

344000;Tina Townsend;Óðinshædd 2
344000;Christina Thomphson;Óðinshædd 2
344000;Christopher Radcliff

In this example, the last entry is missing an address, making the csv incomplete, this will result in an error:


Formatting Rules

CSV (.csv, .txt)

You can import a CSV file with or without headers. It is also possible to set what delimiter is used.

Column order should be: Number, Name, Address

535 984 7176,Lula MacSween,72 Dexter Road
796 431 6052,Karlene Rault,41162 Lighthouse Bay Crossing

JSON (.json)

    "number": "516 806 2190",
    "name": "Felike Semeniuk",
    "address": "041 Grim Circle"
}, {
    "number": "888 691 5223",
    "name": "Zacharia Scourfield",
    "address": "042 Valley Edge Pass"

XML (.xml)

XML data can be with attributes or elements

    <PhonebookImportItem Number="516 806 2190" Name="Felike Semeniuk" Address="041 Grim Circle" />
    <PhonebookImportItem Number="888 691 5223" Name="Zacharia Scourfield" Address="042 Valley Edge Pass" />
        <Number>516 806 2190</Number>
        <Name>Felike Semeniuk</Name>
        <Address>041 Grim Circle</Address>
        <Number>888 691 5223</Number>
        <Name>Zacharia Scourfield</Name>
        <Address>042 Valley Edge Pass</Address>