Time Groups

Time Groups are used to configure which supervisors can view and accept time registrations for which users.

The Overview


The group overview page shows what groups exist. Each row represents a time group, showing the name, the custom field the time group belongs to and the numbers of members.

To view and edit the individual time group, simply click on the time group.


Add Time Group

When clicking the Add group button, a pop-up will appear, where the category for the time group can be choosen.

The category determines the name of the group and the users that already have the custom field will automatically be part of the group.

Clicking on the category will expand the types belonging to the category. Clicking on the category type will select it with a check mark, showing which one is selected.


Once a category type is selected, press the Save button, and the site should navigate to a new page showing the information of the new time group.

It is also possible to create a new time group with a new category type. Choose the category for the category type and press the Add button.

This will open a text field to fill out the name for the new category time. Once the name is filled out, simply press save to create both the category type and the new time group.



When clicking on a row in the time group overview or creating a new time group, the website will be redirected to a new page.

On this page the users in the time group and the supervisors of the time group can be seen.

The page can be in read-only mode and edit mode. Read-only can be seen below.


A user can be removed from the time group by clicking the trashcan icon in the table. It is also possible to delete the group by clicking the trashcan icon beside the Add members button.

The supervisors can also be removed by using the trashcan icon.

Being a supervisor gives the user the right to view time registrations, but needs the Can accept registrations right to accept registrations for the users in the time group.

A supervisor can be given the right by adding the Can accept registrations checkmark.


The save button saves all changes made. The cancel button disregards all the changes.

Add Users

When clicking the Add members button and the Add supervisor button, a pop-up will appear, where users can selected.

These selected users will be added to the list of members or the list of supervisors when clicking the save button.
