Creating a Service

[Prompt] SC Create <ServiceName> binPath= <Full binary path to exe file + startup params> DisplayName= <Totalview3 + ConnectorType name + Connector name>. Do notice, that there has to be an blank after the = sign

[Prompt] SC Create <ServiceName> binPath= <Full binary path to exe file + startup params> DisplayName= <Totalview3 + ConnectorType name + Connector name>. Do notice, that there has to be an blank after the = sign

  • Installing a HiPath connector with the name DEMO. The Totalview3HiPath.exe file is located in the directory C:\Totalview3\Hipath\Hipath_Demo. Startup parameters for HiPath connector are “SERVICE I:/<Connector name> /S:<servername>:<portnumber>. <Connector name> in this example is DEMO, <servername> is the name of the machine where the Totalview3Server is running, and <portnumber> is the communication port of the Totalview3Server.

C:\> SC Create Totalview3HiPathDEMO binPath= “C:\Totalview3\Hipath\Hipath_Demo\Totalview3HiPath.exe SERVICE /I:DEMO /S:TV3SERVER:3333” DisplayName= “Totalview3HiPath DEMO”
  • Installing a SMS connector with the name DEMO. The Totalview3SMS.exe file is located in the directory C:\Totalview3\SMS\SMS_Demo. Startup parameters for SMS connector are “SERVICE I:/<Connector name> /S:<servername>:<portnumber>. <Connector name> in this example is DEMO, <servername> is the name of the machine where the Totalview3Server is running, and <portnumber> is the communication port of the Totalview3Server.

C:\> SC Create Totalview3SMSDEMO binPath= “C:\Totalview3\SMS\SMS_Demo\Totalview3SMS.exe SERVICE /I:DEMO /S:TV3SERVER:3333” DisplayName= “Totalview3SMS DEMO”
  • Installing an Exchange calendar connector with the name DEMO. The Exchange files are located in the directory C:\Totalview3\Exchange\Exahange_Demo. No startup parameters are required for the Exchange connector. The startup parameters are defined in the file config.xml.

C:\> SC Create Totalview3ExchangeDEMO binPath= “C:\Totalview3\Exchange\Exchange_DEMO\Totalview3ExchangeSrv.exe” DisplayName= “Totalview3Exchange DEMO”