Filtering and Searching Contacts

You can filter the contact list by either searching normally or using the advanced filter.

Advanced filtering

For the advanced filter, there are a couple of icons to make note of.

  • Filter is activated: filterActivated

  • Filter is deactivated: filterDeactivated

  • Advanced filter option: advancedFilter

  • Advanced filter check mark indicates that the filter is enabled: checkmark

    • The check mark will be shown in combination with the advanced filter option

Tapping on the advanced filter icon, navigates you to a options menu, where you can specify which filters you want to activate. The options menu also lets you specify if the search should only include Totalview Contacts or Phone book Contacts.

Note: The filter is based on custom fields, which could be divisions, capabilities, titles and so on.

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Note: When multiple items in one filter group (e.g. Capabilities) is selected, the filter will find everyone that matches one of the specified search criteria.
When multiple items across filter groups (e.g. Capabilities and Divisions) are selected, the filter will find everyone that matches one of the criteria from each filter group

In order to enable the advanced filter, you can use the toggle advfilter on the side.

After enabling the advanced filter, you may click on a custom field to add some specific filters.

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To enable the advanced filter, you need to go back to the main screen and toggle (enable) the filter icon.


Note: When enabling the filter, and no advanced filter group is added, the filter option icon will show a check mark at the bottom right. If filters are added and advanced filter is enabled, there will be a number shown at the bottom right of the icon indicating how many filters are active. Finally, if you disable the advanced filter from the filter options menu, then you will not be able to toggle the activate filter icon and it will also stop filtering the previously selected filters.

Searching contacts

You can search for any person in your contacts by typing a phrase into the search field at the top. Note that searching will be carried out in the currently filtered group only. In order to search in all contacts, you need to disable your filters first.