Totalview Connect

You can find Connect under Settings -> Connect in the Totalview Client


The options are New, Edit and Delete

Exclude all Totalview numbers

If checked, all Totalview numbers are excluded from the actions.


Click the New button if you want to create a new Connect setup


You have the option to edit a previous Connect setup


Click the Delete button if you want to delete a Connect setup


With different Action types, you can define how calls are dispatched to other applications.


Enables / disables the given action

Action type

Select from the list between Action types Start application, Activate window, Network send and Http Get

Action types

No external

No action

Start application

With Action type set to Start Application, it is possible to start a specific application when a customer calls you.

Activate window

With Action type set to Activate window it is possible to activate/set focus on a specific window. E.g., when there is an incoming call, it is convenient that the Switchboard is getting focus.

Network send

With Action type set to Network send, you can e.g. get information about a specific debtor in Navision based on the incoming number.

Http Get

The defined action arguments are sent as a query to the selected URL

Start when

Call starts

Action is triggered when the call starts

Call is established

Action is triggered when the call is established

Call Ends

Action is triggered when the call ends


When I’m calling

Action is triggered when you call another number

When someone calls me

Action is triggered when someone is calling your number


External Numbers

Action is triggered only if an external number calls you or is called by you

Internal Numbers

Action is triggered only if an internal number calls you or is called by you


Start application

In this example Notepad is started every time an internal number is calling.


Activate window

In this example the Totalview Switchboard get focus everytime someone calls your number. That includes both external and internal numbers.


Network send

In this example the generated information is sent directly to the local network. Action will be triggered when you have an incoming external call.

The network settings consists of a Host – network address and a port number. In addition you may specify whether to do a UDP broadcast or a regular TCP connection. The contents of the call record are sent to the network.

Using Network send with TCP is the preferred method for signaling Navision.


Http Get

The GET method is used to retrieve information from a given server using a given URI. Requests using GET should only retrieve data and should have no other effect on the data.


The defined action argumens are sent as a query to the selected URL.

The query is HTTPEncoded using the following rules:

“All characters in the query are converted except for the letters A through Z (and a through z), numerals 0 through 9, the asterisk (*), dollar sign ($), exclamation point (!), at sign (@), period (.), underscore (_), single quote (‘), parentheses, and hyphen (-). Spaces are converted to plus characters (+), and all other characters are converted into hex values preceded by the percent sign (%)”